Racing Glove Rubber


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This wheelchair Racing Glove Rubber has been produced after extensive research of the rubber formula, chemistry of oils used in manufacture and output properties in relation to wheelchair racing. It has been developed in consultation with an experienced wheelchair racer for optimum performance.

This product does not qualify for VAT exemption. Therefore, the total cost of this item for customers within the UK is £40. VAT will be added at the checkout. Customers outside the UK will pay the price shown above.

After research and extensive testing, two rubber types were eventually settled on resulting in slightly different outputs and intended uses. Both rubbers have similar qualities but there are some subtle differences which may suit different types of wheelchair racers.

Type 1 Racing Glove Rubber

This variant has been designed for the highest grip. It has the following properties

  • Highest grip yet still with good wear resistance properties
  • Maintains grip even in lower temperatures
  • Great for starts and shorter distance racers
  • Wears-in more quickly than type 2

Type 2 Racing Glove Rubber

This variant has been design for the highest durability.

  • Highest wear resistance yet still with good grip
  • Improved grip as temperatures warm
  • Great for those racers putting in high mileage and training and racing over longer distances
  • Takes slightly longer to wear-in than Type 1

The wheelchair Racing Glove Rubber comes in approx 380mm (15 inch) squares. These squares are 3mm thick. The rubber can be cut with sharp scissors or a knife, and glued with superglue to your hard racing gloves.

We also stock silk glove liners for wearing inside of your racing gloves. These glove liners add a layer of comfort, warmth and protection from abrasions for your hands. If you need a little extra padding, then you can attach some self-adhesive foam to your hard gloves.